KLS Institute of Management Education and Research Autonomous organized Annual Sports Prize Distribution Ceremony on 19th November 2022. Prizes were distributed for the flagship sports event "SPIRIT" which is organized every year to celebrate the true spirit of sportsmanship. The function commenced with the opening remarks made by Shri R.S. Mutalik Governing Council Chairman KLS IMER, who was invited as the chief guest of the function. The function was carried out under the able leadership of Dr.Arif Shaikh, Director, KLS IMER.
Dr.Shreekant Naik, Sports Coordinator, KLS IMER, welcomed the gathering and revealed "This day that year" achievements of famous sports personalities.
Mr.George Rodrigues, Physical Education Director also played an integral role in organizing SPIRIT event along with student Coordinators Mr.Milan Jana, Mr.Sumant Kadakol, Mr.Siddharth Angadi and Mr.Piyush Majali.
Ms Akanksha Nevagi and Ms Nidhi Kulkarni were the MOCs of the function
The University Blues, Ms.Justine Paul and Ms.Madhushree Doddmani were also felicitated for representing the University at National level. Awards were also given to the winners of Summer Internship Contest and student enrolees of online courses offered by IIMBx.