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The Purpose

The Marketing Club of IMER has been established with an aim to acquire marketing skills through experiential learning. The membership of the club is voluntary and comprises of both first year and second year MBA students. Some of the activities organized through the club are Contests on 'Live Cases', visit to 'Krishi Mela', workshop on 'Consumer Behavior' documentaries on 'Rural Marketing', creation of advertisements etc. the activities are student driven under the guidance of the Marketing Faculty.


  • Guest lecture by Ms. Anita Ubrani, Store Manager, INMARK was organized on 28.11.2017. She interacted with marketing specialization students (III Semester) and explained various functions of retailing and rigour of retail industry.
  • Guest lecture by Mr. Uday Kinjawadekar, Editor, was organized for students on 26.12.2017 on various facets of Online Advertising.
  • Students visited Oerlikon – Fairfield Atlas on 30th December, 2017 to understand Export procedure and Documentation through their Export Oriented Unit (EOU).
  • Guest Lecture on Retail Management by Mr. Rahul Uppin , owner of three cosmetic retail outlets was organized for 3rd semester students on 24th January 2018.