Business Research Competition at KLS IMER

In-House Business Research Method Competition for 2nd semester students was organized on October 19, 2022 as part of the curriculum and teaching pedagogy to understand the overall aspects of the Business Research Methods subject. Research projects included study on Onion pricing, Food Waste Management, Electric Vehicles, Online Education, Small and Large retail stores respectively. All the projects focused on contemporary issues in social science research that included gathering, analyzing and interpreting information for a variety of social, economic, educational purpose and suggest possible solutions to different stakeholders. In addition, field work project also helped students in understanding the Summer Internship Project which they undertake immediately after the completion of their 2nd semester for a duration of two months. The event was organized by Dr. Ajay Jamnani, and the projects were judged by Prof. Shreekant Naik and Prof. Ameet Kulkarni respectively. Dr. Arif Shaikh, Director, KLS IMER supported the initiative, encouraged students and presented cash prizes for the top three research projects.