A unique Forest Garden at the Commando Training Area, Belagavi

KLS Institute of Management Education and Research, Belagavi partnered in the event along with Indian Army from JL Wing and Commando Wing and members of Green Saviours Association to create "Amrutvan" a unique Forest Garden at the Commando Training Area, Belagavi. The garden comprises five each of 75 species of trees and plants, the same were planted to celebrate Azadi Ka Amrit Mohatsav, August 15 2022, the 75th year of Indian independence. The drive was addressed by Colonel Manoj Sharma from Commando Wing who encouraged and congratulated students for taking part in this unique drive. Captain Subash of JL Wing was present and played a key role in organizing the event. The event was presided over by Shri. R S Mutalik, Chairman GC, KLS IMER and carried out under the able guidance of Dr. Arif Shaikh, Director, KLS IMER. The plantation drive was co-ordinated by Prof. Amit Kulkarni and Prof. Sumanth Desai- Faculty members of KLS IMER.