One Day Workshop on “Essentials of Writing Research Papers Leading to Publication”

A one-day workshop on “Essentials of writing Research Papers Leading to Publication” was organized by Department of Collegiate Education, Office of the Regional Joint Director, Dharwad, in association with KLS Institute of Management Education & Research (Autonomous), Belagavi, NAAC ‘A’ Grade on 12th December, 2023.
Over Sixty participants including principals, professors, IQAC coordinators, research scholars of Govt Degree Colleges from various regions of Belagavi District attended the workshop. The resource persons Dr. Mahantesh M Kuri, Assistant. Professor, RCU,Belagavi, delivered session on Essentials of writing an Ideal Research Paper emphasizing from idea generation of relevant topic to plagiarism check. Prof. Savita Kulkarni, Assistant Professor, KLS IMER spoke on reference management tools like Zotero and Mendelyand success stories in publishing. Dr. Ajay Jamnani, Associate Professor, KLS-IMER took hands-on session on various AI Tools like Concensus, Quillbot, Litmaps, etc for effortless research paper writing.
Dr. Aftab Bhai, NAAC, Special Officer, RJDCE, Dharwad, made the opening remarks, stating that this is the first gathering in the Belgaum zone where all the Govt Colleges IQAC Coordinators and principals came together under one roof for research learning at KLS-IMER
Dr. K Vikram, State Nodal Officer, SQAC DCE, Bengaluru delivered the keynote address by focusing on the requirement of NAAC Criteria 3 which is going to help in enhancing the skill sets of the Govt. College faculty to publish research papers.
Dr. Arif Shaikh, Director, KLS IMER, presided over the inaugural program and expressed that this collaboration of research workshop is a good opportunity to enrich knowledge. Shri. R. S. Mutalik, Chairman, GC, KLS-IMER congratulated on successful conduct of the workshop and distributed the participation certificates.