Certificate Distribution Ceremony at KLS IMER

Students of KLS IMER successfully completed eight weeks of certificate course on "Predictive Anlaytics" offered by Indian Institute of Bangalore's MOOC wing IIMBx. A formal distribution of certificates to the students was done at the hands of well-known industrialist Mr. Amritraj Bhat, Managing Director, Aqua Alloys, Belagavi on 30th August 2019. Guest emphasized the importance of analytics in the current business context, enlightened on job markets being tough but with plenty of opportunities and motivated students to imbibe ethical practices in their future endeavor. Shri. Rajendra Belgaumkar, Chairman, GC, KLS IMER insisted upon honing the required skill sets through such certification programs. Dr. Atul Deshpande Director, KLS IMER supported the initiative and Prof. Ajay Jamnani coordinated the entire course.